ÖBB Infra

ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG is part of the ÖBB Group, one of the largest rail freight operators in Europe. An efficient infrastructure is the key to modern, customer-oriented and reliable passenger and rail freight transport in Austria. With more than 18,000 employees, we plan, build and operate a railway infrastructure with almost 5,000 km of track, 7 freight terminals and more than 1,000 stations and stops.

Every day, we invest around € 3 billion to ensure punctuality, safety, quality and open access to the railway system for the 6375 trains of 67 railway operators, which we also supply with green electricity from our own hydroelectric, wind and solar power plants. Using the latest telecommunications and IT infrastructure for train communication and safety, we ensure smooth traffic management and operating control of all trains in our operational area.

For the DACIO project it is important that we offer a wide range of product-oriented shunting services, including locomotives for train formation and, of course, train preparation services and brake calculation. Shunting can be carried out at our efficient shunting yards in Vienna, Villach, Linz, Wels, Graz, Hall/Tyrol, Wolfurt, Salzburg and Villach, but also on request in other yards.


Presentation Demo-Train DAC4EU
Presentation Demo-Train DAC4EU

Contribution to DACIO

The national project DACIO (Digital Automatic Coupling in Infrastructure Operations) co-operates with the European DAC Delivery Prorgram (EDDP), the DAC4EU Project (Demo Train) and the ERJU FP4 TRANS4M-R (Full Digital Freight Train Operation).


Work Package 1

As consortium leader ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG is responsible for planning and coordinating the Austrian research institutes and companies involved in DACIO. The three-year project will run until 31 August 2024.

Presentation Demo-Train DAC4EU
Presentation Demo-Train DAC4EU

Credit: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG